Feel free to reach out and request a quote using the form below or contact us directly at [email protected].
Tek-Mor provides a range of services as a sheet metal manufacturer, contractor, supplier and installer of automotive paint finishing systems and HVAC custom manufacturing.
Our Engineers, in conjuction with the Tek-Mor management team, review detailed specifications and apply the most time effective and cost efficient methods of production. Utilizing contemporary drafting technology, part developments are laid out to the format and forwarded via computer to the production department.
Project Management: Total co-ordination with customers and all suppliers is provided during design, fabrication, installation and start-up of project by experienced project managers.
We provide fabrication services from customer approved drawings for projects from varied descriptions within the automotive and sheet metal finishing industries.
Our manufacturing facility, with total in house fabrication control, provides superior quality on time.
In addition, we are able to substantially increase our total capacity as required and minimize field activity through shop assembled modules.
Our team of project managers and field supervisors ensure completion of projects on scheduale to meet the customer’s criteria. We take pride in our ability to consign projects on schedule installed at down-time. Depending on the nature of the project, installation by our experienced crews can be facilitated with either crane or helicopter assistance.
Environmental Systems
Ventilation Systems
Engineered Stacks/Breachings
Design Turnkey Systems
Paint Finishing Systems
Tek-Mor is a North American leader
in industrial metal manufacturing &
sheet metal contracting, providing
customized solutions for a variety
of industries.